Sunday, November 12, 2017

David Brainerd Quotes

This coming week, I'll be writing a short paper and an 8-minute presentation on the Life and Diary of David Brainerd. The book is a biography of David Brainerd interspersed with what parts of his diary that he allowed the author of the biography to include.

Brainerd was a missionary to the Native Americans, and he lived between April 20th, 1718 – October 9th, 1747. I'm not even half-way through the book yet, but already I know that he is a man who experienced the same emotions and fears that I've felt, which has me sympathizing with him and feeling what I need to feel and think for my coming assignment.

Here are some quotes I've come across that I quite like.

"All I want is to be more holy, more like my dear Lord. O for sanctification! My very soul pants for the complete restoration of the blessed image of my Saviour; that I may be fit for the blessed enjoyments and employments of the heavenly world."
– David Brainerd

"Farewell, vain world; my soul can bid adieu;
My Saviour's taught me to abandon you.
Your charm's may gratify a sensual mind;
Not please a soul wholly for God design'd.
Forbear to entice, cease then my soul to call;
'Tis fix'd through grace; my God shall be my all.
While He thus lets me heavenly glories view,
Your beauties fade, my heart's no room from you."
– a poem by David Brainerd

"Lord, I'm a stranger here alone;
Earth no true comforts can afford;
Yet absent from my dearest one,
My soul delights to cry, my Lord.
Jesus, my Lord, my only love,
Possess my soul, nor thense depart;
Grant me kind visits, heavenly Dove,
My God shall then have all my heart."
– a poem by David Brainerd

I find it fascinating that he wrote a couple poems in his diary...

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